- The avatar allows you to create simple and fresh characters in easy steps. These can fill in the pages of your blogs or wiki pages in no time, adding some colour to the activities.
- Because there are boys and girls options on the site, the tool let's you create male and female avatars to meet all your students' needs. It is important to have examples from both genders.
- The different details you can add to a voki give your students a chance to personalize the character and have fun with it.
- Each available language for the text-to-voice tool, has sample voices and accents in both genders. The selection is quite realistic.
- The voki ends up being a code you post on your blog - no actual space is used, so there are no heavy attachments for the file itself. Vokis can be sent via email as well.
- The text-to-voice tool requires students to input exact statements. A mistake in spelling will result in inaccurate pronunciation of the avatar - almost an immediate feedback to students to correct their errors.
- Like the audio-pal tool you can ask your students to respond to a voki task by creating a new voki. Set sample audios with your vokis to give students an idea of what they can say, and let them go on with their imagination.
- Use the voki to guide students with instructions on what to do with the information and tasks on a blog page or an activity for the lab.
- Use the voki to ask specific questions. Anything you can do with audio files you can pretty much ask a voki avatar to do for you.
The following links listed below take you to examples of pages I have created in the past to use the voki. These are activity samples and parts of projects. I hope they inspire you.
- Vokis: Little Avatars - an overview page of Vokis.
- Per Imparare l'Italiano - A blog page with sample activities (from easier to harder) where several vokis were created to guide students through understanding and practice of simple Italian greeting and getting to know each other expressions.